Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Money Isn't Everything.....

It can buy a bed - but not sleep
It can buy a clock - but not time
It can buy you a book - but not knowledge
It can buy you a position - but not respect
It can buy you medicine - but not health
it can buy blood - but not life
it can buy you sex - but not love

so you see, money isn't everything, and it often causes pain and suffering. I tell you all this because i am your friend, and as your friend i want to take away your pain and suffering...

So send me all your money and i will suffer for you.

Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice,
Three blind mice
See how they run,
See how they run!

They all ran after
The farmer's wife
She cut off their tails
With a carving knife
Did you ever see
Such a sight in your life
As three blind mice?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Goodbye MoM!!!‏

Remember always.....there is no substitute for your mother and you have only one mother. It looks like a sad story...but do continue reading to the end!.....Its a lesson to learn....... ......... ..

I was walking through the supermarket to pick up a few things when I noticed an old lady following me around. Thinking nothing of it, I ignored her and continued on. Finally I went to the checkout line, but she got in front of me."Pardon me," she said, "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It's just that you look like my son, who just died recently. ""I'm very sorry," I said to her, "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Yes," she said, "As I'm leaving, can you say 'Good bye, Mom?' It would make me feel so much better.""Sure," I said. An odd request, but no harm would come of it. As the old woman was leaving, I called out, "Good Bye, Mom!"As I stepped up to the checkout counter, I saw that my total was $1027.50."How can that be?" I asked, "I only purchased a few things!" "Your mother said that you would pay for her," said the clerk.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Customer care in 2020

Operator : 'Thank you for calling Pizza Hut . May I have your...'
Customer: 'Helloo, can I order..'
Operator : 'Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?'
Customer: 'It's eh..., hold..........on......889861356102049998-45-54610'
Operator : 'OK... you're... Mr Singh and you're calling from 17 Jalan Kayu. Your home number is 4094! 2366, your office 76452302 and your mobile is 0142662566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?'
Customer: 'Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?
Operator : 'We are connected to the system Sir'
Customer: 'May I order your Seafood Pizza...'
Operator : 'That's not a good idea Sir'
Customer: 'How come?'
Operator : 'According to your medical records, you have high blood pressure and even higher cholesterol level Sir'
Customer: 'What?... What do you recommend then?'
Operator : 'Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it'
Customer: 'How do you know for sure?'
Operator : 'You borrowed a book entitled 'Popular Hokkien Dishes' from the National Library last week Sir'
Customer: 'OK I give up... Give me three family size ones then, how much will that cost?'
Operator : 'That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total is $49.99'
Customer: 'Can I pay by! credit card?'
Operator : 'I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is over the limit and you owe your bank $3,720.55 since October last year. That's not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir.'
Customer: 'I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and withdraw some cash before your guy arrives'
Operator : 'You can't Sir. Based on the records, you've reached your daily limit on machine withdrawal today'
Customer: 'Never mind just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?'
Operator : 'About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can always come and collect it on your motorcycle...'
Customer: ' What!'
Operator : 'According to the details in system ,you own a Scooter,...registration number 1123...'
Customer: ' ????'
Operator : 'Is there anything else Sir?'
Customer: 'Nothing... by the way... aren't you giving me that 3 free bottles of cola as advertised?'
Operator : 'We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're also diabetic.......'
Customer: #$$^%&$@$% ^
Operator : 'Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 15th July 1987 you were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman...?'
Customer: [Faints]

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.....Life is what u make it

Cell phone vs. Quran
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat
our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Quran?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Quran being disconnected
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!